

NETWORK | Bluetooth Communication

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Required products : Paired Bluetooth set, RC-100 (A/B) or USB2Dynamixel+Zig2serial or
                             a smartphone with Bluetooth (R+m.task)
   * Please note that the connectable product differs by Bluetooth type.

Testable controller :
BT-110/210 : CM-100A, CM-150, CM-200, CM-510/530, OpenCM9.04
A paired Bluetooth set or a slave Bluetooth (when connecting to smartphone) is required for Bluetooth communication.
   * The master Bluetooth cannot pair with a smartphone.
If you want to pair BT-100 or BT-110, please contactus at contactus2@robotis.com).
   -> How to pair BT-210
The LED will keep on blinking before pairing, and stop blinking when paired.