

DYNAMIXEL | Getting Started with DYNAMIXEL

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*What is DYNAMIXEL ? : http://www.dynamixel.com/whatisdxl.php *DYNAMIXEL Selection Guide : http://en.robotis.com/service/selection_guide.php To use DYNAMIXEL, connect power to the appropriate pins, or use a controller / interface that provides power, and you are ready to send a command to the DYNAMIXEL using the Data pin(s). 

Units are controlled using a multi-drop, half-duplex serial bus via a TTL (-T models) or RS-485 (-R models) physical layer.


DYNAMIXEL may be connected and operated by any computer or controller capable of sending packets in the appropriate serial communication format. 

Source code to control DYNAMIXEL may be written in many of the most popular programming languages using open-source libraries available through the DYNAMIXEL SDK.


DYNAMIXEL SDK e-Manual : https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/software/dynamixel/dynamixel_sdk/overview/

[Getting Started Using DYNAMIXEL]

For more detailed information, please visit our e-manual.

To power your DYNAMIXEL, connect power supply to your compatible controller or interface.   If needed, power may be supplied directly to VDD and GND pins (not recommended- refer to "DYNAMIXEL Connector and Cable Pinout")

DYNAMIXELs with the same communication layer (-T or -R) may be daisy-chained. To daisy-chain DYNAMIXELs, connect any DYNAMIXEL to an available connector on the previous unit. Only one cable connection back to the controller and/or power supply is required.

Recommended Power for 12V DYNAMIXEL: SMPS 12V 5A AC Adapter
Recommended Power for 24V DYNAMIXEL: Benchtop Power Supply

Below are some examples of hardware setups used to control DYNAMIXEL:


1. DYNAMIXEL Control Via Computer

By interfacing DYNAMIXEL with your PC via the DYNAMIXEL Starter Set, you can program DYNAMIXEL in a wide variety of IDEs/programming languages including: DYNAMIXEL Wizard 2.0 software & DYNAMIXEL SDK (ROS MATLAB LabView Python Visual Studio Eclipse C/C++ C# Visual Basic Java)


DYNAMIXEL Starter Set : U2D2, U2D2 Power Hub Board, SMPS 12V 5A AC Adapter

Product Information of DYNAMIXEL Starter Set : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=902-0161-200


Above setup recommended for use with DYNAMIXEL Wizard 2.0 software & DYNAMIXEL SDK / direct control from any computer.  

DYNAMIXEL Wizard 2.0 software: http://emanual.robotis.com/en/dynamixel_wizard2

2. DYNAMIXEL Control via Embedded Board

ROBOTIS OpenCM9.04, OpenCM 485 EXP Board, SMPS 12V 5A AC Adapter Product Information : 1. ROBOTIS OpenCM9.04 : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=902-0084-040 2. OepnCM 485 EXP Board : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=902-0084-050 3. SMPS 12V 5A AC Adapter : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=903-0124-200 f39aa91f290b7df48b603cdf41f4e4e3_1607663803_36.png

1) OpenCM9.04 and OpenCM485 EXP board must be set up to be used together. Solder header pins to the OpenCM9.04 and once complete mount the OpenCM9.04 board to the OpenCM 485 EXP board.

2) DYNAMIXELs may be operated using any embedded board that can send a signal through the serial bus (multi-drop, half-duplex TTL or RS-485 depending on model of DYNAMIXEL). Arduino IDE e-Manual : https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/software/arduino_ide/ 3. DYNAMIXEL Control Via OpenCR1.0


OpenCR1.0(Open-source Control module for ROS) is an open source robot controller embedded with a powerful MCU from the ARM Cortex-M7 line-up. The hardware, software, schematics, PCB Gerber, BOM, and firmware source codes of the OpenCR1.0, the main controller used in the official ROS education platform TurtleBot3, are accessible and open to the public.


Supports RS-485 and TTL to control DYNAMIXEL, and offers UART, CAN and a variety of other communication environment, development tools such as Arduino IDE are available as well. It has the advantage of being able to operate more powerfully when used with a host controller such as SBC (Single Board Computer). The OpenCR board manager for Arduino IDE includes various examples to maximize the feature of OpenCR1.0

Product Information of OpenCR1.0 : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=903-0257-000 f39aa91f290b7df48b603cdf41f4e4e3_1607664154_93.png
Oepn CR1.0 e-Manual : https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/parts/controller/opencr10/  

4. DYNAMIXEL Control via CM-Series Controllers


ROBOTIS also has exclusive controllers for programming DYNAMIXEL. These controllers include the CM-700 (Compatible with TTL-based AX / MX series DYNAMIXEL), CM-530(Compatible with TTL-based AX/MX series DYNAMIXEL), CM-550(Compatible with TTL-based X series DYNAMIXEL).


CM700 features an ATmega2561 CPU, GPIO ports for connecting analog sensors, and ZigBee and Bluetooth connectors. This controller also features a TTL/RS485 communication circuit, allowing for any TTL-based DYNAMIXELs (AX/MX) to be on the same bus as RS485-based DYNAMIXELs (AX/RX/MX). 


CM530 features a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 processor (STM32F103RE), GPIO ports for connecting analog sensors, and support for IR, ZigBee, and Bluetooth communication. The controller supports TTL-based AX and MX series DYNAMIXELs.

NOTE: CM-700 and CM-530 are compatible with RoboPlus software. You can develop embedded C firmware using the SDKs compatible with each controller.


CM550 features a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 (168 [MHz], 32 [Bit]) , DYNAMIXEL TTL Communication board, BLE Slave communication module, Gyro Accelerometer, Temperature sensor, Buzzer, RGB LED, Sensor ports, MIC, etc. CM-550 is compatible with the latest R+ 3.0 software and it only supports TTL-based X series DYNAMIXEL.

Product information : CM-550 : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=902-0158-000 CM-530 : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=902-0062-000 CM-700 : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=902-0023-000 f39aa91f290b7df48b603cdf41f4e4e3_1607664398_36.png
R+3.0 e-Manual : https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/software/rplustask3/ Software Download Center : http://en.robotis.com/service/downloadpage.php?ca_id=10 5.
DYNAMIXEL Control via Arduino Board + DYNAMIXEL Shield

DYNAMIXEL Shield was created to use RC-100 and DYNAMIXEL on arduino board. The hardware serial port is used to communicate with DYNAMIXEL, therefore, RC-100 or LN-101 has to be connected to the software serial communication port(SW TX/RX) via Arduino pin 7 and 8.

Product information : DYNAMIXEL Shield : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=902-0146-000 LN-101 : http://en.robotis.com/shop_en/item.php?it_id=902-0041-001 f39aa91f290b7df48b603cdf41f4e4e3_1607664559_36.png
DYNAMIXEL Shield e-Manual : https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/parts/interface/dynamixel_shield/ [DYNAMIXEL Connector and Cable Pinout]


*DYNAMIXEL AX / MX series adopt Molex PCB Header and Housing. See AX / MX e-Manual pages for connector details. [Useful Links - Technical Resources]

Please refer to the following links for assistance: e-Manual: http://emanual.robotis.com/ Full technical specifications for products including: control table, firmware details, and communication circuit information. GitHub: http://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/  Programming resources using ROBOTIS' open source coding libraries, example code, and Issue Tracker SDK : https://emanual.robotis.com/en/dynamixel_sdk Learn more about the programming libraries available for DYNAMIXEL here Download Center: http://en.robotis.com/link/downloadcenter Mechanical drawings and CAD files for ROBOTIS products, and free ROBOTIS software               downloads Compatibility Chart : http://en.robotis.com/link/compatibility Check which hardware accessories are compatible with any model of DYNAMIXEL.