few week back i see "USB2dynamixel" in your shopping mall.
but close now. when Robotis sell outside of korea?
i like to buy. also, can i use direct to control cm-5 from PC?
2007-06-07 10:49:00
2008-08-28 15:07:00 ROBOTIS
Yes, our homepage is currently under construction,but will be done soon.The USB2Dynamixel will be available for overseas sales by the end of this month.As for the CM-5 usage, please refer to the below for connection steps.PC -->CM-5 --> AX-12(+)PC -->USB2DYNAMIXEL -->AX-12(+)You may use the download cable to connect the PC & CM-5.The USB2DYNAMIXEL may be used to connect from the PC to TTL or may be used without the CM-5 to directly control the dynamixel.Also, it can also be used or standard USB-serial converters and with TTL or RS-485 to convert.Thus, for labtops without a serial port, you may use from PC --> USB2DYNAMIXEL -->download cabble -->CM-5 -->DYNAMIXEL.Thus, it will be okay to use a standard USB cable in this situation.