POST No. 2408074
Multiple Motor Compatibility
2021-09-06 06:12:26 jtgenova


I'm creating a 7 DOF robotic arm with XM430-W350 as the first two motors, XC430-W240 as the next three motors, and XL330-M288-T as the last two motors. I'm using an Arduino Mega 2560 with the Dynamixel Shield. The specs for the motors for the input voltage are as follows:

XM430-W350: 10.0 ~ 14.8 [V] (Recommended : 12.0 [V])

XC430-W240: 6.5 ~ 14.8 [V] (Recommended : 12.0 [V])

XL330-M288-T: 3.7 ~ 6.0 [V] (Recommended : 5.0 [V])

Since the Dynamixel Shield comes from one power supply, how can I make sure all the motors have enough voltage to power all of them?


2021-09-06 06:12:26
2021-09-06 16:29:09 Will Son


If you are using two different voltage source in a single system, you should separate the power source accordingly.

Without an additional voltage regulator from 12V -> 5V, it will be difficult to use XL330 along with other 12V DYNAMIXEL.

Thank you.

2021-09-07 02:41:49 jtgenova
Thank you for your response!
How can I hook up two different voltage sources in one dynamixel shield? Or is it possible to stack the shields with one using 12V and the other using 5V?
2021-09-07 02:41:49
2021-09-23 17:39:39 willson
DYNAMIXEL Shield does not support two different power source inputs. You'll need to use an external voltage regulator to provide a separate power to XL330.
Stacking up the DYNAMIXEL Shield is not recommended as DYNAMIXEL connected to each shield will be considered as a separate communication channel.
2021-09-23 17:39:39
2021-09-06 16:29:09