POST No. 2408078
H54-200-S500 add lubricating oil
2021-09-17 16:55:41 2408057

Servo model: H54-200-S500 

Description: When our steering gear is working outdoors (the temperature of the steering gear is about 50 degrees), there is a situation of lubricating oil leakage. This situation continues to happen now. Will this situation affect the use of the steering gear in the future? Do I need to add lubricating oil? Can we add it ourselves? When will it be appropriate?

thanks again

2021-09-17 16:55:41
2021-09-23 17:34:57 Will Son


If the DYNAMIXEL has been operating in such high temperature for a long time, the lubricant could be excessively leaked.

Unfortunately, we do not recommend self replenishing the lubricant so please send us the module through your local ROBOTIS reseller.

You might want to consider adopting the PH54-200-S500-R with oil sealed design when using DYNAMIXEL under harsh environment.

In most cases, P54-200-S500-R can be replaced with PH54-200-S500-R, but be aware of minor changes in external housing.

Thank you.

2021-09-23 17:34:57