POST No. 2408140
Torque enable help
2022-08-13 06:06:05 jarred

Hi.  I am working with a 2XL430 and am trying to enable the torque before sending position commands.  I can enable torque in the wizard software then use my own software to change position, but for some reason I'm stuck at enabling torque in my software.  Can someone verify that this would be a correct command to enable torque on device ID #1?

FFFF FD00 0105 0003 6401 68FD

So the header, device #1, 5 bytes sending, command write, writing to address 64 (torque enable), writing 01 to enable torque, followed by the CRC.

2022-08-13 06:06:05
2022-08-16 19:17:00 Will Son


Please note that you can check the packet from DYNAMIXEL Wizard 2.0 as below.


The correct 13-byte packet to turn on the ID 1 torque is :

FF FF FD 00 01 06 00 03 40 00 01 DB 66

and ID 2 torque on is :

FF FF FD 00 02 06 00 03 40 00 01 EB 65

and torque on all connected DYNAMIXEL using Broadcasting ID(254) is : 

FF FF FD 00 FE 06 00 03 40 00 01 2B 96



2022-08-16 19:17:00