CEO’s Greetings

CEO’s Greetings

What is a robot?

Some define it as an automated tool in industry and service.
Some consider it as a machine with cognition, planning, and action.
Some categorize it as a means of mobility and manipulation.
There are numerous technical perspectives. But...
For ROBOTIS, a robot is the exploration of our human lives.
By better understanding ourselves, we are ushering in a new era - one robot
for every person.
The study of human experiences,
대표이사 김병수
ROBOTIS Co.,Ltd. 37, Magokjungang 5-ro 1-gil, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (Postal Code: 07594)
E-mail : Tel : +82-70-8671-2609 Fax : +82-70-8230-1336
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